Journey Academy


What is the Journey Academy?
The Journey Academy is where individuals looking to accelerate their knowledge in becoming better family protectors can find their path. It's your gateway to VTSA's Premier 4-part course offered at a fraction of the regular price. For just $269.99, you gain access to over $500 worth of classes, including everyone's favorite, Defensive Shooting Tactics.

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Welcome to the Journey Academy

What is the Journey Academy?
The Journey Academy is where individuals looking to accelerate their knowledge in becoming better family protectors can find their path. It's your gateway to VTSA's Premier 4-part course offered at a fraction of the regular price. For just $269.99, you gain access to over $500 worth of classes, including everyone's favorite, Defensive Shooting Tactics.

The Course Includes:

1. Firearm Manipulation and Situational Awareness2. Firearm Maintenance and Gear3. Basic Pistol4. Defensive Shooting Tactics
Each of these classes individually would cost over $500, but through the Journey Academy, you can access them all for a significantly reduced price.
What You Stand to Gain by Signing Up:
By signing up for the Journey Academy, you're investing in your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Here's what you'll gain:- Over $500 worth of courses for just $270 (the cost of just ONE trip to the range)- Certifications for each stage of the course- Confidence in your abilities to protect yourself and your family- Knowledge of what to do in various challenging situations
Don't wait until it's too late to become a better protector. Take advantage of this opportunity today and give yourself the peace of mind you deserve.
The Stakes if You Don't Sign Up:
The consequences of not signing up for the Journey Academy are grave. Without proper training and preparation, you risk being at the mercy of others in dangerous situations. Don't wait until tragedy strikes to take action. Sign up for the Journey Academy now and ensure you're equipped to handle whatever comes your way.
Our 3-Step Plan:1. Sign Up for the Academy: Click the Sign Up button to get started.2. Receive a Promo Code: Once signed up, you'll receive a promo code to access the discounted price.3. Schedule Your Courses: Choose the courses that fit your schedule and start your journey to becoming a better protector.
Why Choose the Journey Academy?
At VTSA, we understand the growing concerns about safety and security. Our mission is to empower individuals like you to take control of your safety and the safety of your loved ones. With our proven track record and experienced instructors, you can trust that you're in good hands with the Journey Academy.
The Problem We're Solving:
Every day, people face the harsh reality that their neighborhoods are becoming more susceptible to crime. This external problem, coupled with internal feelings of unease and fear, highlights the urgent need for solutions like the Journey Academy. It's time to take proactive steps towards a safer future.
Philosophical Understanding:
It's unacceptable to live in fear or discomfort in our own communities. At VTSA, we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their surroundings. Through the Journey Academy, we're working to create a world where individuals can confidently navigate any situation and protect what matters most.
Identity Transformation:
With VTSA, you'll transform uncertainty to confidence. You'll no longer question your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones but will instead know without a doubt that you're taking the necessary steps to become a better protector.
Demonstrating Authority:
With thousands of satisfied customers and a proven track record of success, VTSA is the authority in self-defense training. We've helped countless individuals position themselves and their households to become great defenders, and we can do the same for you.
Join Us on the Journey
Don't wait until it's too late to take control of your safety. Join us on the journey to becoming a better protector today. Sign up for the Journey Academy and start your path towards a safer, more secure future.


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